Thursday, August 28, 2014

Peacebreakers and Peacemakers

All week the students have been learning the Lifelong Guidelines and about being "Peacemakers and Peacebreakers" in the classroom.  These are the ideas the children generated after reading the book, No David!

No Putdowns
Active Listening
Personal Best

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


It was so nice to see you at the Meet-n-Greet this afternoon.  I have a really great feeling about our class!  We are going to have a wonderful year  as our Beach Buddies journey on our "voyage of discovery"!

Thanks so much for all your help getting the supplies where they needed to be.  You don't know how much I appreciate your help.  You saved me hours of work this afternoon since I didn't have to sort out everything by myself.  Way to go, parents!  That's teamwork.

I will see you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Susan Berry

Activity Schedule

Parents, at Lewis Carroll, our students are on a 5-Day Rotation Schedule for Activity Classes.  Holidays do not count. The 5 day count just resumes after the holiday.  Therefore, even though there are five school days, the students will not always have the same Activity on the same day of the week.  Also, every nine weeks our class will have one of the Activity classes two times during the 5-day Rotation.  This nine weeks our class will go to Music two times.   I will include Activity Schedules on my weekly newsletters and on this blog.

Activity Schedule for the next two days and the following week:
Thursday - Day 4: P.E. with Coach Hutton
Friday - Day 5:  Music with Mrs. Dodson
Monday - Day 1:  Music with Mrs. Dodson
Tuesday - Day 2:  Art with Mrs. Delorey
Wednesday - Day 3:  Media Center with Ms. Bosley
Thursday - Day 4:  P.E. with Coach Hutton
Friday - Day 5:  Music with Mrs. Dodson