Saturday, September 27, 2014

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day helps us learn our A!

Thank you so much to all the parents who sent in the following items for our apple tasting and voting activities:  apple cider, apple juice, Apple Jacks cereal, apple butter, caramel for dipping our apples into, apple pie, and your child's favorite apple.  Funny story:  The moms who were helping on Friday said, "Um, Mrs. Berry, we aren't so sure you want to taste-test this pie because it's not an apple pie."  Me: "What??? It says 'Apple Pie' on it."  "Yes, but it isn't.  Publix put the wrong label on it!  Oh well.....But we certainly did appreciate S.Q.'s parents sending it in!  

Monday, September 22, 2014

American Symbols


Students spent Constitution Week learning about some American Symbols.  They really seemed to enjoy the projects and learning about them!  Ask your student what the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, the flag, and the eagle stand for.  (Hint, hint: this will be on a Social Studies test sometime!)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Next Week is Color Week!

Monday, September 8:  Red Day
Tuesday, September 9: Purple Day
Wednesday, September 10: Yellow Day; Early Release Day
Thursday, September 11: Green Day
Friday, September 12: Blue Day

Other notes:

Please check the Newsletter tab above to see the latest class newsletter.

We will begin using our primary composition books next week.  The primary composition books have the lines that are blue, then dashed, and then red.